Further Learning Questions Week 1

Hey All! Thanks for all you shared in our first week of group. It was a perfect way for us to connect and share why we are here. I believe our lived experiences are our greatest teachers, thanks for sharing those teachings. 
Here are some optional further learning questions for you to reflect on during the week. Answer at least 1 of these questions (a few sentences will suffice), and we will enter you in the draw to win a $10 gift card. To answer, you can comment on this post (which will be public), or you can send an email to sage.schmeid@avi.org or jenni.fehr@avi.org (private).

1. What barriers exist for harm reduction in your community?

2. What kind of challenges do peers face in doing peer work?

3. What kind of role/place do you see yourself doing in the community?


  1. barriers here would be rcmp, bylaw, and city, they alll lack compassion, understanding, and a desire totry help the proper way. instead they harrass and displace the street entrenched from one illegal site to the next and take all possesions throwing them away.
    peers see stuff and do stuff everyday (like saving someones life to see them get up and use again) that is traumatizing, we get swallowed by that trauma without seeing it. we eventually burn out and or use to not feel that anymore.

    i have been doing outreach here for almost 3 yrs. as a homeless person myself. the last year with my own organization, Within Out Reach (WOR). i think my skillset would better be utilized hosting a monthly or bimonthly drug user meeting. when working with new leaf we held them went from 20 participants to the last one seeing 63.


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